
Bullying Prevention and Intervention

Barcroft Elementary strives to develop and maintain a climate of respect.  This includes adult modeling of respectful and caring responses to student concerns.  Students are taught how to identify bullying behavior and appropriate ways to handle bullying as a target or bystander.  Students are taught that if they witness bullying, it is their responsibility to help the person being targeted. Bullying is challenged when the majority (bystanders) stand up against the cruel acts of the minority (person bullying). Students learn about the different “players” in a typical bullying situation in a role play of the Bullying Circle.

What is Bullying?

Bullying is an act of aggression in the form of:

  • hitting or kicking (physical bullying)
  • teasing or name-calling (verbal bullying)
  • intimidation using gestures or social exclusion (emotional bullying)
  • sending insulting messages by phone or computer (cyberbullying)

Bullying is behavior that is:

  • Repeated
  • Intentional
  • Has an imbalance of power

Report Bullying

Studies show that bullying often goes unreported.  This makes it all the more important to listen and act when bullying is reported.  If you have heard a report of bullying from a child or you suspect bullying then please email or call me.

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