Page Directory Group: Families
English Learners
January 28, 2022
At Barcroft, we serve students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds by providing the EL (English Learners) program at...
Support the PTA
January 14, 2022
There are many ways to support the Barcroft PTA! 1. Make a financial donation. Your financial contributions to the...
PTA Officers
January 14, 2022
PTA Officers President – Alice Tewell, VP of Fundraising – Sara Arff VP of Membership – Rachel Royster...
PTA Meeting Dates
January 14, 2022
The Barcroft PTA one Tuesday a month for most months during the school year. Meetings are held virtually and...
PTA Calendar of Events
January 14, 2022
To view the PTA’s 2023-24 events, refer to this Google Calendar.
October 13, 2021
Standards-Based Instruction (SBI) is a teaching method that is based on standards of skill mastery. Deeply rooted in research and supported...
Title I Program
April 27, 2021
Barcroft is a Title I School. Please use the following link to learn about Our Title I School-wide Program....
Barcroft Student Support Team Referral
March 13, 2020
BARCROFT STUDENT SUPPORT TEAM The Barcroft Student Support Team is here to support our students and families!!! Many...